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Calssic Dice - A guide to odds and strategies


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Dice is one of the oldest gaming implements known to man. Dices as old as 2000 BC have been found in Egyptian tombs. The oldest records of dice games were found in India, were written in ancient Sanskrit and were over 2000 years old. Dice games have advanced a little bit since then but are just as popular.

At BC.game you can find three different types of Dice games. In this post, I will shortly describe the Classic Dice, how it works and how its odds work.


Classic Dice



The classic dice game has very intuitive rules. Use the slider to pick a number between 2 and 98, and decide if you will try to roll over or under the number you've chosen. Place your bet, and roll! Or you can use auto-roll. 



Decide the amount and which coin to bet.


Number of bets

Fill in how many rolls you wish to do (0 = infinite).


On win

Choose whether you want the game to reset your bet to the base bet or raise the bet by a certain % after you have won a bet.


Stop on win

Tell the game to stop rolling once you have won this many coins.


On lose

Choose whether you want the game to reset your bet to the base bet or raise the bet a certain % after you've lost a bet.


Stop on lose

Tell the game to stop rolling once you have lost this many coins.


This game in provable fair



Pressing on this button will open up a new window that shows:

Current server seed, client seed and nonce. At the bottom, you can choose a new seed, either let the game randomize a seed or manually type one in, then press "use new seed".


You can use these seeds to ensure the game wasn't tampered with. The server seed is set by the casino and can't be changed until you change your client seed. The server seed is also encrypted; otherwise, it would only take a few minutes to calculate which number will be next – ahead of time.


It's important both for BC.game and for their customers that you can verify that any given bet was won or lost without anyone cheating. And here is why.


Let's say you play dice with auto-roll and set it up so that if you roll over 50, you win, and if you roll 1-50, you lose, and you will double your next bet. This common strategy is called Martingale, and the idea is that you will always win, eventually. 



Let's say your base bet is $0.1. If you roll a number between 51-98, you will win 1.98x your bet. If you roll between 2-50, you lose your current bet and double your next bet. Let's say you roll 45 and lose your $0.1, and your next bet will be $0.2. This time you roll 61 and win 1.98 x $0.2 = $0.396. So far, your total bet has been $0.3 (first $0.1 that you lost and then another $0.2), which means that you have made a profit of $0.096. So far, so good, right? 


But what happens if you lose, let’s say 5 times in a row?


Bet          New Bet

$0.1               $0.2

$0.2              $0.4

$0.4              $0.8

$0.8              $1.6

$1.6               $3.2


Now your total bet amount to 0.1 + 0.2 + 0.4 + 0.8 + 1.6 + 3.2 = $6.3

Your betting amount will grow exponantial, so if you were to lose yet again, your next bet would be $6.4 and your total bet $12.7. But let's say you win the bet you made at $6.4. You will then get 6.4 x 1.98 = $12.672. Your total bet was $12.7, and now you've "won" $12.672 (you've actually lost $0.028). This is the "House Edge" of 1%. You would think that if you have a 50/50 chance to win, then when you do win, you would win 2x your bet. But the casino has to have this edge of 1%, or they wouldn't make any money. 


So, let’s adjust our betting a bit so that when you do win, you will win 2x your bet.



Now your chance of winning isn't 50/50 anymore. That's the house edge again, but maybe a bit clearer. But you're thinking, "what does 0.5% do in the big scheme of things anyway" so you adjust your betting and start over. Again, you lose several times in a row and are now going to make the $6.4 bet. If you win this time, you will win 6.4 x 2 = $12.8. Remember, your total wager was $12.7. This time you made a profit of $0.1. But was it worth it to bet $12.7 to win $0.1?


That's how this strategy works. No matter how many times in a row you lose and how big your final winning bet is – you will always only win back your initial bet ($0.1 in this case).


I have found that most people who complain about the dice or accuse the casino of cheating are using this strategy or a variant. They often think, "Okay, maybe I'll lose 5-6 times in a row at most, and after all, it's a 50/50 chance of winning."



And then, after playing for a while, they lose ten times in a row. Or 15. What happens then? Let's calculate.

0.1 x (2^10) = 102.4 – If you start betting $0.1 and have a losing streak, your 10th bet will be $102.4 (that’s not even your total bet which by now is $204.7).


Let's see what happens when you lose 15 times in a row. 

0.1 x (2^15) = 3276.8 – Your 15th bet would be $3276.8, and your total bet would be a whopping $6553.5. And how much is your possible profit from this? That’s right, $0.1.


It's easy to understand that a person who puts this strategy on auto-roll will risk losing a lot of money quickly. And it's easy to understand how this person would be agitated and frustrated and blame the casino for cheating. And this is why it's good for both you and the casino that the game is provable fair.


Let's say you lost that last bet at $3276.8. You have now lost $6553.5 in 15 quick bets and will start to wonder if it's even possible to hit below 50 15 times in a row when the odds are supposed to be 50/50. It doesn't sound reasonable to think that would happen without anyone tampering with the game, huh?

Well, it is (I have had worse losing streaks!). We tend to think that every bet you lose when the odds are 50/50 will increase our chance of winning our next bet, especially when we see how the bets we are making quickly becomes very large bets.


But chance (or odds) doesn’t work like that. For every new game you play, you will have a 50/50 chance of winning. Nothing more, nothing less. If you had been rolling with a real dice, the dice wouldn’t keep track of how many bets you have lost in a row. And this is how we also need to view online gaming.


Go to the list where you find your previous bets (oh, and change seed first!) and click "verify". You will be sent to a different site, where you can see that input: client seed (your seed), server seed (casinos seed) and nonce (how many games you've played with these seeds). And you will see the output: decrypted server seed and  hmac_sha256 (this is the server seed, client seed and nonce together). A bit further down the page you will see the results.



The hmac_sha256 is hexadecimal and needs to be converted to bytes. 



The upper row is hexadecimal, and the lower row is bytes. If you mistrust this information, you can use any other hexadecimal converter, and it will show you the same result. The next step is to convert bytes to numbers. This game uses the first 4 bytes and will always do that; other games might use more. 


Let’s calculate!


(119 / (256^1))  =

use 119 because that’s the first bytes in the bottom row. use 256 because the hash is sha256, and finally the ^1 because this is the first number we calculate.

(119 / (256^1))  = 0.464843750

(206 / (256^2)) = 0.003143311

(56 / (256^3)) = 0.000003338 

(45 / (256^4)) = 0.000000010 



Add these together.

0.464843750 + 0.003143311 + 0.000003338 + 0.000000010 = 0.467990409

Multiply the result with 10001 to round off  the decimals = 4 680.372080409

Finally divide the result with 100 to get a number between 1-100 with 2 decimals.

4 680.372080409 / 100 = 46.80372080409


46.8 is precisely what the dice showed us in-game. We didn't get scammed, and nobody had tampered with the game. 

We were just unlucky.









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