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Everything posted by Coco_o

  1. The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system can never decrease over time, and is constant if and only if all processes are reversible. The most popular explanation is that everything in order will become more and more chaotic. Humans will die, flowers will wither and glass made of sand will become sand again. There is always green after the same red and the forces of nature dominate disorder. When we found an orderly trend chart, then our opportunity came. This is the reason why I am victorious in a crash. We can see that the following localized trend is an upwardly convergent curve Obviously, it's too neat. But nature does not allow the trend of crashes to be so neat. So we should boldly speculate that the next game should be green, breaking through like a tree rooting in the soil Victory is here: Conclusion: Together with nature, discover the order, break the order and win your victory! Author: Coco The Mad King
  2. the sound fx for plinko needs to be changed its not appealing to the ear at allll
  3. Nice! What about this casino chips
  4. 1 user could use only 1 sweetcode 79950cf64b-4669-wmkno3bdvzw 21a528804b-3691-fb8&3h01w6y b8e6cc1f4b-2837-#yz^*5vkuss 78446a6b4b-2793-#yz^*5vkur5 a32320703b-778-bcndk8aogv5 a04623e54b-4007-^9ijq%sgr@9 ca2df55d4b-3493-fb8&3h01wld 97a172d63b-875-fb8&3h01wlk adbe51c74b-2778-fb8&3h01wlr 9e5547f03b-783-o!ysxcqr9af 91e78fea3b-910-bcndk8aog23 ec31b5404b-3775-o!ysxcqr9dr 5b285d714b-1419-*a5^g2f48rv f8acfae74b-1217-tod5h!$qglp 3d4d90482b-86-9a85qmlkt&r b6cdf4ed4b-2501-d1!elr6^%ti 23cf9b7b4b-2782-#yz^*5vkuj6 e95827394b-3906-*uk^826v3co a96115d54b-3732-^9ijq%sgr$p 619462964b-4982-#yz^*5vkujm 5915dcdc4b-1734-tod5h!$qg3b f12c43784b-1040-fb8&3h01wnl 2b9e4c5e4b-1270-wmkno3bdvvk ae60e9294b-2136-o!ysxcqr99* 3881de373b-473-*a5^g2f488@ 525459734b-4082-*uk^826v33f 5722fc344b-4713-wmkno3bdvvn 47087ee14b-2968-9a85qmlktt^ cd3c068f4b-2513-wmkno3bdv*o 3b2df3474b-3161-d1!elr6^%3k e927b4db4b-1212-o!ysxcqr9f7 98d892234b-3715-bcndk8aogs! aab705894b-2621-^9ijq%sgr&5 f34358db3b-235-d1!elr6^%3f 36ae40e73b-941-fb8&3h01wvw 37dcd2822b-30-bcndk8aoski 5324d0dd4b-4770-tod5h!$q8hi eafb2b1b4b-2038-^9ijq%sg&qz 75cfe48e4b-2301-o!ysxcqrfxq 06783d604b-1791-9a85qmlkpq# 8d0df1534b-4533-*uk^826v58e 3ad2dd604b-3248-^9ijq%sg&%o da8a92d34b-1568-fb8&3h01vhz 77b0783f4b-2298-#yz^*5vk45h c93ba9514b-1553-o!ysxcqrfco 9c6e45262b-17-fb8&3h01vhy fa44fc7f3b-200-o!ysxcqrfc8 5b88aea14b-2843-wmkno3bd*k3 ca44ac774b-3550-bcndk8aosn5 8221c70c4b-4302-*uk^826v5ku
  5. <BullShit warning> Nature is not symmetrical, random numbers as well. Entropy of crash is increased until the symmetrical graphics naturally disordered. So if we find that there is an obvious symmetrical figure in the trend then it's time to break it! But the key to winning or losing is still luck! Enjoy your trend in the crash of https://bc.game/crash
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