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Everything posted by BossBitch-Lilley

  1. hello i am past lvl 10 but have not received Highest Level: This medal can be obtained by reaching level 10.
  2. Hello it's time for a game @digitaldash was kind enough to donate btc for some games . This game is called guess the mod .. you will have to follow all the rules of the game , one mess up and you are out of the game , when the game has started i will post five sentences referring to a mod you have to guess which mod for each sentences . warning the sentences are weird lol . rule #1 can not ask a mod any question about the game . rule #2 you have to post your answer on here ,you can not post commenting on some one else post. this is what the your answers have to look like Mod #1 your answer ( don't write the words your answer you will be out) Mod #2 Mod #3 Mod #4 mod #5 rule #3 each answer has to start with a capital and end with a period the game will start @ 8:30 eastern time on 6/15/2020 ,,you will have five minutes to finish from the time i post the sentences . if you get all five correct and follow all rules you will win 0.001 btc ,if no one wins then a different game will be played on 6/20/2020 for 0.0015 btc . good luck and have fun. also this game is just for player NO STAFF ARE ALLOWED TO PLAY
  3. My best moments here at BC is not a win like you think .My win is the people that go out of there way to help you . i don't have to ask  they always know . Today was the worst i have felt on bc ,i was real upset .typed in chat fuck this im done .not one asked me why i was upset or even cared why .they know i was and thats all they needed .i got blasted on my inbox and it was not beggars .it was my bc family letting me know they loved me .This to me is the biggest win i could get .days like this when i'm upset you guys are the best you will find away to make me feel better and this is what make bc what it is today .BC is not just a casino it is a family ...i love your crazy asses .

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